Thursday, June 14, 2007

My dreamzzzzzz

I f I get Rm1000000 I want to SHOPPING......hehehehehe.....I like shopping......I want to buy a new clothes.......jeans......and don't forget my dreams handphone.............After that I want to buy my dream car........Actually I like my vyi........and I want my car yellow.....because if my friends look that car they all that's me.....hehehehehe.........Other than that I want to give my mother and my father to make their haji.........
After that I want to pay my loan MARA loan.....I f I not pay my mother and my uncle was anggry with me.Becuse my mother and my uncle is my garentoor for my loan....if I'm not pay maybe my uncle kill's me.....hehehehe.......
When I pay all my MARA loan my money is finished :( I can't shopping anymore......But it's ok....because I finished to pay my loan....and I don't think about the payment again......That's allabout my dream because I want continue my study because tomorrow I have TMK2364 test.....bye...

1 comment:

misz_A said...

with all the money u presents for me aaahh??